Science Fiction and Fantasy Writer

Qasim Ansari is the author of numerous screenplays, short stories and two novels, working mainly in the sci-fi and fantasy genre.

He achieved early success, when at the age of 12 he won top prize in a national writing competition in Dubai. Since then he has written and acted in numerous short films, taking one, ‘Redemption’, to Cannes in 2006. He also finished third in Raindance’s ‘Live Ammunition’ pitching event in 2007 with his science fiction film 3% Human. His short film, ‘The Bridge’, finished in the top 25 of the British Short Screenplay Competition in 2009. One of his scripts is currently in pre-production with Stickmen Pictures, an independent film production company in Derbyshire.

He is currently looking for an agent and working on his third novel.

Qasim Ansari - a new writer emerges from over the horizon